Sunday 4 December 2011

30 Day Fairy Kei Challenge Day 13

Already on Day 13?!

☆ Day thirteen: What do you carry in your bag?

I'm not a very girly girl when it comes to what i carry in my bag. I don't really wear make up or anything so This post might be a little boring. XD

I don't really keep a rat in my bag, he just took a huge interest in this brand new thing in the living room that he could climb on. :)

My bag is from Accessorize. It's my winter bag.

Left to right: I almost always carry my uni work folder with me. Mainly because i stayed at my boyfriend's last night and am meant to be doing uni work instead of typing this. oops.

Then there's my diary which basically has my life in it. I'd be late and forget everything if i didn't have that.

Body spray, always important.

Purse - also from accessorize. "I heart Tokyo" incidentally my rat is called Tokyo so this is kinda two statemnts. XD

House keys - the cupcake keyring is from my boyfriend. :)

hair clip - i always end up needing one totally randomly

nail varnish - incase of chips

lip balm - aloe vera. I get very dry lips alot so i always have a tin of this handy. this one is my favourite but i also have a pink tinted one for nights out.

Last but definitely not least, my inhaler. I cant go anywhere without this thing thanks to my worse-than-terrible asthma. bleh.

1 comment:

  1. cute stuff!
    love the cupcake keyring!

